![[LOGO] PrepaTec - Blanco (1).png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b9b897_40cf81201bbc48e6bef6aad07961b542~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_171,h_77,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BLOGO%5D%20PrepaTec%20-%20Blanco%20(1).png)
Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados de Palestina en Oriente Próximo (UNRWA)
La Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados de Palestina en Oriente Próximo (UNRWA) fue establecida en 1949 para brindar asistencia y protección a los refugiados palestinos. Su labor incluye la provisión de servicios básicos como educación, salud, vivienda, y apoyo social en áreas como Gaza, Cisjordania, Jordania, Líbano y Siria. UNRWA desempeña un papel clave en mejorar la calidad de vida de millones de refugiados palestinos, a pesar de los desafíos políticos y económicos de la región. Además, trabaja para promover los derechos y el bienestar de estas comunidades, hasta que se logre una solución justa y duradera a su situación.
Tópico: “La crisis humanitaria de refugiados como consecuencia del conflicto bélico en Palestina”
La comunidad internacional ha comenzado recientemente a prestar mayor atención a las atrocidades sufridas por el pueblo palestino debido a la opresión por parte del estado israelí, lo que se ha vuelto más notorio debido a la creciente visibilidad del conflicto árabe-israelí, que ha durado más de 70 años y ha sido caracterizado por violencia constante y crímenes de guerra. Según UNRWA España, más de 5 millones de palestinos viven como refugiados, representando una cuarta parte de la población mundial de refugiados, con acceso limitado a ayuda humanitaria y en condiciones de vida precarias. Organizaciones humanitarias como UNRWA España trabajan para garantizar sus derechos básicos hasta que se resuelva el conflicto o su estatus como refugiados.
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR)
El Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) es un
organismo mundial que fue fundado en 1950 después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Actualmente, ACNUR trabaja junto con 135 países con el propósito de brindar asistencia a las personas obligadas a abandonar sus hogares, protegiendo sus derechos humanos y tratando de asegurarles un futuro mejor. Para lograr y garantizar el cumplimiento de todos los derechos humanos, ACNUR trabaja para que los gobiernos encuentren soluciones a largo plazo, garantizando que los afectados no sean devueltos a países donde pueden enfrentar violaciones de sus derechos y tratar de darles nuevas oportunidades al integrarse en países de acogida y proporcionarles sus servicios básicos.
Tema: “Colaborando en apoyo a los refugiados de Rohingya que residen en Bangladesh.”
La crisis humanitaria de los rohinyás requiere una acción urgente y coordinada. Esta minoría étnica ha sufrido décadas de persecución y discriminación en Birmania, donde se les negó la ciudadanía desde 1982. Las violentas campañas de represión, exacerbadas tras el golpe de Estado en 2021, han obligado a miles de rohinyás a huir hacia Bangladesh. Aunque han encontrado refugio en campos de refugiados, las condiciones son extremadamente precarias, afectando principalmente a mujeres y niños. La comunidad internacional debe prestar especial atención a las intervenciones del gobierno de Bangladesh y la ACNUR, que buscan proporcionar acceso a alimentos, atención médica y protección, pero que aún son insuficientes para garantizar condiciones de vida dignas y seguras. Los delegados deberán investigar la historia de discriminación de los rohinyás, el rol de la represión militar en Birmania, y los esfuerzos internacionales previos para gestionar la crisis. Es crucial entender las dinámicas del conflicto y evaluar soluciones a largo plazo que respeten los derechos humanos de los rohinyás, así como considerar la colaboración internacional para apoyar a Bangladesh y facilitar el eventual retorno seguro de los refugiados a su país o su integración en la sociedad bangladesí.
Asamblea General (AG)
La Asamblea General, se creó en 1945 al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial por la carta constitutiva de las Naciones Unidas, donde se constituyó como uno de los órganos principales de esta organización. La asamblea general está integrada por 193 miembros de diferentes países y es un foro para deliberaciones sobre cuestiones internacionales que pueden abarcar la carta constitutiva de esta organización. La función principal de la Asamblea General es hacer recomendaciones a los estados sobre cuestiones internacionales, también adoptar medidas que forman parte de la estructura de labores de las Naciones Unidas. En específico, cuestiones de carácter jurídico, político, económico, humanitario y social. (Naciones Unidas,2024)
Tema: “Discutir las estrategias y políticas necesarias para prevenir genocidios y crímenes de guerra en conflictos actuales, con un enfoque en mejorar la respuesta internacional y la rendición de cuentas”
El genocido, los crímenes de guerra, la limpieza étnica, y los crímenes de lesa humanidad representan las más grandes violaciones hacía los derechos humanos y durante la historia han dejado un legado desgarrador. Aunque es responsabilidad de cada estado proteger y prevenir estos actos hacia su población, muchos no lo hacen por falta de capacidad, voluntad política o conflictos internos. Es responsabilidad de la comunidad internacional intervenir en tales circunstancias para prevenir estas acciones, proteger a las poblaciones en riesgo y asegurar la rendición de cuentas de los responsables. Durante el transcurso del debate se discutirán medidas de alerta para prevenir estos actos en zonas de conflicto, la intervención de la comunidad internacional durante estos, y la rendición de cuentas de las partes involucradas. El revisar la efectividad de los mecanismos existentes, así como modernizar este enfoque de las Naciones Unidas dado el clima político, económico y social actual; puede ayudar a desarrollar un debate nutrido e interesante en donde los delegados puedan no solo buscar una solución si no que igualmente se evalúe la efectividad de estos métodos al día de hoy.
Comité de Crisis: Comisión de Acción contra Bioterrorismo y Crimen Organizado
Un Comité de Crisis es un pequeño grupo convocado para abordar un asunto de importancia inmediata. Los delegados deben actuar ante los problemas presentados. Participar en este comité ofrece una visión realista de cómo se manejan las reuniones formales y mejorará muchas de sus habilidades, particularmente aquellas relacionadas con el pensamiento crítico, la negociación, la oratoria y el trabajo en equipo.
Tema: “Crisis”
Es importante comprender las definiciones y características del bioterrorismo y el crimen organizado, así como sus impactos a nivel global y regional. Más adelante cuando se les asignen roles a los participantes, podrán hacer una investigación más específica.
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
The Commission on the Status of Women is dedicated exclusively to promoting gender equality, rights and the empowerment of women throughout the world. Its sole task is not only to defend women's human rights, but also focuses on fostering their empowerment in various areas such as education, work and political participation. All this through the elaboration of recommendations, the realization of research and the promotion of public policies. It seeks to eradicate discrimination and gender violence throughout the world, creating a more just and equitable environment in which women have the same opportunities.
Topic: “Addressing the debate over whether or not menstruation products should be covered by health services and be regarded as human rights”
Since women typically use 20 to 30 sanitary pads per month, or 300 a year, and 10,000 to 15,000 over the course of their lives, access to these products is essential for maintaining hygiene and dignity and should be provided as part of basic health services for all people, regardless of their financial situation. Even though half of the population experiences a menstrual cycle, not all of them have access to the personal hygiene goods that are necessary. Women in low income areas, indigenous communities, refugees and women going through crises, girls in developing countries, etc. are especially victims of this issue. The high prices, misinformation, cultural barriers, and lack of access to these products in rural areas are some of the main issues that limit the availability of them. Millions of women and girls are affected by this issue globally. It is of utmost importance to recognize the importance of easy access to menstrual products. Acknowledging the significance of this matter is crucial in the direction of a fairer society that values and advances the well-being of women and menstrual individuals. This committee aims to develop a resolution where a proposal to include these products in health services and their relevance as a human right is discussed.
Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC)
El Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC) es uno de los seis órganos principales de la ONU, encargado de coordinar el trabajo económico, social y ambiental a nivel global. Se promueve el desarrollo sostenible, la cooperación internacional y los derechos humanos, brindando un foro para el diálogo entre gobiernos, organizaciones no gubernamentales entre otros actores clave. Supervisa una amplia gama de comisiones y agencias especializadas que abordan temas como la pobreza, la educación, la salud y el cambio climático.
Tema: “Planteando el Conflicto que Genera la Ocupación Israelí en los Territorios Palestinos”
La ocupación israelí de los Territorios Palestinos, incluyendo Cisjordania y Gaza, ha tenido repercusiones tanto económicas como sociales en la vida de los palestinos. Este tópico se enfoca en explorar cómo este conflicto ha afectado diversos aspectos de la vida en los territorios, además de cómo ha impactado las condiciones de vida y derechos humanos. Se examinan las dinámicas de poder que perpetúan la desigualdad y la tensión en la región. A lo largo de las décadas, este conflicto ha exacerbado la pobreza, restringido el acceso a recursos esenciales y generado un estado de inseguridad constante. Suscitando críticas internacionales por violaciones de derechos humanos y la falta de una solución pacífica estable y duradera.
Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)
The Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), established by the Security Council, is responsible for the realization of different cooperative measures that would assist countries in their endeavors to combat terrorism. The major activities that the CTC has pursued includes the freezing the assets of anyone suspected of involvement in terrorism, sharing information related to potential terrorist acts between governments, making sure that terrorist groups do not get any state-sponsored financial support, and encouraging cooperation between states on issues like investigations, extraditions, detentions, and arrests. The CTC emphasizes the need for open, frank, and transparent dialogue between governments and their people in consolidating the acts of counterterrorism.
Topic: “Discussing the role of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and drones, in both facilitating and combating terrorism”
The roles that the emerging technologies like AI and drones play in both facilitating and combating terrorism are dual in nature. While these innovations can offer new ways for terrorist organizations to mount their attacks, at the same time they are a strong means for governments to enhance their counterterrorism operations. Using AI, voluminous data can be analyzed for locating potential threats. Drones can do real-time surveillance without any risks to personnel. With this, however, great risks of abuse and misuse arise, and their deployment should be done with due care. Members of the CTC should, therefore, cooperate in laying down frameworks that ensure these technologies serve the purposes of responsibility and do not result in a security enhancement minus the risks of exploitation by malicious actors.
Crisis Committee
This committee does not require participants to prepare written documents on specific topics in advance, as the developing crises will be introduced during the simulation (further information regarding this will be provided later on). However, it is strongly recommended that delegates thoroughly research their assigned role as soon as it is received. Additionally, participants should familiarize themselves with relevant contextual information, which will be provided in the Background Guides at a later stage.
Topic: “Crisis”
Cámara de Senadores del Congreso de la Unión
La Cámara de Senadores del Congreso de la Unión representa un órgano legislativo como su cámara alta, integrado por senadores encargados de revisar, discutir y aprobar las leyes básicas a desarrollarse en el país. También tiene la responsabilidad de la debida ejecución de dichas leyes en toda la República Mexicana. Consiste en una membresía elegida específicamente por la población para representar los intereses de los diferentes estados. Los miembros del Senado cumplen así la importancia de legislar leyes, además de cumplir eficazmente su función de controlar al ejecutivo, creando así un equilibrio de poderes y respeto por los principios democráticos en el país. La LXVI Legislatura comenzó el primero de septiembre de 2024 y concluirá el último de agosto de 2027, con los senadores durando en el sexenio dos legislaturas. Una de las controversias actuales es el hecho de que un senador es quien separa al partido gobernante de Morena de tener la mayoría calificada en el Senado.
Tema: “El Crimen Organizado en México: Desafíos y Estrategias para la Paz y la Seguridad Estatal”
Este tópico perfila uno de los peores problemas que enfrenta el país. El crimen organizado, a través de prácticas como el tráfico de drogas, la extorsión, los secuestros y el lavado de dinero, pone en peligro la seguridad de los ciudadanos, pero también tiene un impacto significativamente fuerte en la economía, buena gobernanza y paz estatal. La penetración de estos grupos en las estructuras políticas y sociales ha perpetuado altos niveles de violencia y corrupción, que han exacerbado aún más la crisis de seguridad en México. Quizás un ejemplo de la magnitud de este problema es el caso del Cartel de Sinaloa, una de las organizaciones criminales más poderosas del mundo. La captura y posterior fuga de su líder, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, en 2015, demostró no solo las capacidades de estos grupos sino también la grave corrupción y debilidad institucional dentro del poder judicial y legislativo, además del sistema penitenciario en México. El Senado mexicano juega un papel importante, y como cuerpo legislativo, es el deber de los senadores aprobar reformas que ayuden a fortalecer las leyes contra el crimen organizado, promover mecanismos de seguimiento y control de las fuerzas de seguridad y garantizar que el presupuesto destinado a combatir el narcotráfico y la violencia se haga efectivo. Es importante que los senadores siempre procuren el bien del país para la paz y seguridad en México, sin olvidar su agenda como partido al que pertenecen.
Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
The Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), created as the first of the Main Committees in GA in 1945, deals with key global issues like disarmament, challenges to international security, and threats to global peace. Other issues that come into the focus of DISEC are armaments control, nuclear disarmament, and prevention of the militarization of outer space. DISEC helps to push along the wheel of global peace by advocating for the reduction of risks of armed conflict and limitation of proliferation of weapons and international security.
Topic: “Foreign Interventions in Civil Wars: Balancing Sovereignty and Global Security”
Interventions by foreign forces in civil wars are normally driven by strategic interests, humanitarian sentiments, or even both in some cases. Interventions can take many forms: military action, economic sanctioning, or being conducive to diplomatic representations. Such actions, no matter how well-intentioned, can lengthen conflicts by providing both sides with added resources and support that deny the possibility of a decisive resolution. A good example is the Syrian Civil War, where many foreign powers intervened for various reasons, including geopolitical interest and the support of different factions. While some effort at the alleviation of suffering was made, these interventions simply heightened the conflict, further violence, and an increased number of fallen casualties. Delegates at DISEC must address the delicate balance between intervention and non-intervention, as well as to propose solutions that prioritize peace and global security while addressing the complexities of foreign involvement in civil wars.
Educational, Scientific and cultural organization of the United Nations (UNESCO)
The Educational, Scientific and cultural organization of the United Nations contributes to global peace and security through education, science and culture among the globe. UNESCO also funds projects that enhance literacy, develop science, protect press freedom and preserve cultural history. Its mission is to contribute to the building of a peace culture, the eradication of poverty, and intercultural communication through education.
Topic: “Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Venezuela in the Face of Globalization: Strategies for Protecting Indigenous Languages and Traditions”
During the 16 century, prior to the European colonization of Venezuela, indigenous tribes inhabited the country. Venezuela's cultural heritage is based in its indigenous communities, for thousands of years these tribes developed their own languages, traditions and social hierarchies. With the arrival of Europeeans, the dominant customs inside the country started to be eradicated. Despite these challenges, tribes like the Wayuu, Yanomami, and the Pemos have maintained their traditions. Globalization promotes new technological advances, economic development, and political integration; but with these, new challenges were presented to these tribes, such as cultural homogenization and economic inequality. A loss of diversity has arised due to the overshadowing of native communities. Traditions in these communities are passed down generation by generation, and nowadays younger generations are losing contact with these. In addition, dominant languages around the world are replacing the native languages of tribes. Furthermore, the expansion of the industry in Venezuela, such as oil extraction, has led to the displacement of many indigenous people. Other factors like the growth in economic marginalization, led by the prioritization of industrialization, lack of governmental support, and economic displacement have contributed to the problem. Finally, it is important to emphasize the struggle that these communities have faced because of the political movement in the country led by Nicolas Maduro.
This committee must discuss and create a resolution that will aim to preserve the cultural heritage in Venezuela. Developing strategies that promote a better future for its traditions.
Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF)
El Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) es una organización global dedicada a promover los derechos y el bienestar de los niños y niñas en todo el mundo, fundada en 1946. Su visión asegura que todos los niños tengan acceso a salud, educación, protección y un entorno seguro, especialmente en situaciones de crisis o vulnerabilidad. Siendo su misión garantizar que cada niño pueda desarrollarse plenamente, sin importar las circunstancias.
Tema: “Abordando la Relevancia y Desafíos en la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil”
La erradicación del trabajo infantil constituye un desafío de vital importancia, dado que afecta a millones de niños en todo el mundo, privándolos del acceso a una educación adecuada y al desarrollo pleno de sus capacidades. Este problema está profundamente vinculado a la pobreza estructural y a la falta de oportunidades, perpetuando la marginación social en las comunidades más vulnerables. A pesar de los avances normativos y las iniciativas internacionales, persisten importantes obstáculos en la implementación efectiva de soluciones, tales como la fragilidad institucional y las dificultades económicas de las familias afectadas. La superación de estos desafíos exige una respuesta coordinada que promueva la educación, la justicia social y la protección integral de los derechos de la niñez.
General Assembly (GA)
The General Assembly was created in 1945 at the end of World War II by the United Nations Charter, where it was established as one of the main organs of this organization. The General Assembly is made up of 193 members from different countries and is a forum for deliberations on international issues that may be covered by the Charter of this organization. The main function of the General Assembly is to make recommendations to states on international issues, as well as to adopt measures that are part of the structure of work of the United Nations. Specifically, issues of a legal, political, economic, humanitarian and social nature. (United Nations, 2024)
Topic: “Enhancing the global system for current and future generations while accelerating the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development”
Sustainability refers to the actions taken today that meet the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations. The world’s actions today will impact billions of people yet to be born in future generations. To guarantee choices made today will tackle current issues without incurring negatively on future generations, the world must accelerate the implementation of ambitious and concrete actions in line with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the UN 2030 agenda. In 2015 all member countries of the UN signed the list. They target a set of global issues including poverty, inequality, climate change, and sustainable economic growth. Their main function is to create an urgent call for action to all member countries of the UN. This topic will facilitate the debate, discussion and negotiation of policy actions and the supervision of the planet’s progress toward sustainability. Furthermore, it will highlight the vitality of a multilateral system and intergenerational dialogue in decision making.
Historical Security Council (HSC)
The Historical Security Council is a committee in which delegates relive and reflect upon important events from the past. Additionally, the committee debates how actions from the past could have been altered to result in a more favorable outcome for the parties involved, and in some cases, may even redefine how major historical events play out. Delegates undertake the position of countries that no longer exist, as well as that of states whose views today may differ from the timeframe in which the committee takes place. At its core, however, this council embodies the UN’s Security Council. This committee was established in 1945 as a part of the UN Charter at the conclusion of World War II. It plays a unique role in the UN, in that it can decree key actions to upkeep the UN’s goal of global peace, such as authorizing the use of force if no other options to maintain international peace exist. It can also press sanctions on states and deploy UN peacekeeping forces.
Topic: “Addressing the outbreak of the Yugoslav Wars and the imminent loss of life inside Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia“ (Dec. 1991 - April 1992)”
Following the death of Yugoslav leader Josef Broz Tito in 1980, rising ethnic tensions between the republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Macedonia, which Tito had suppressed, began to escalate. By the early 1990s, with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, nationalist movements surged in Croatia and Slovenia. In June 1991, both republics declared independence, prompting a military response from the Yugoslav People’s Army and triggering a series of conflicts that would lead to the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia. Delegates should explore the impact of ethnic nationalism, the role of international intervention, and strategies for conflict resolution.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is a specialized independent organization founded in 1957 with the mission of promoting the peaceful application of nuclear energy while preventing its use for military objectives. This committee aims to explore methods for harnessing nuclear energy to benefit populations worldwide, ensuring its responsible and safe usage. Additionally, it seeks to prevent conflicts and promote international peace through effective oversight of this powerful resource.
Topic: “Nuclear War: The repercussions of misusing nuclear weapons and their influence on international relations and geopolitical stability”
This topic intends to deal with the repercussions of the misuse of nuclear weapons on international diplomatic relations. The deployment of such weapons during conflicts may lead to dire results including the essence of total eradication of the corresponding nations. These ripple effects can spill over into neighboring regions, leading to a world conflict that would seriously affect the world's population. An example of this in history is the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, which killed tens of thousands of people and whose devastating effects can still be seen to date. Delegates to the International Atomic Energy Agency must be prepared to ensure that nuclear technology serves the right purposes, just as they equally work earnestly to prevent any outbreak of nuclear wars for safeguarding international peace and security with regard to future generations.
International Criminal Court (ICC)
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is dedicated to prosecuting individuals accused of crimes under the Rome Statute (ICC, 2024). Established in 1998 and operational since 2002, the ICC is located in The Hague, Netherlands. Its creation strived to establish a permanent international criminal court, replacing the temporary war crimes tribunals like the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials. Unlike the International Court of Justice, the ICC operates independently from the United Nations, though it frequently collaborates with the UN Security Council. As of 2024, 124 State Parties have ratified the Rome Statute, granting the ICC jurisdiction over specific crimes that national courts are unable or unwilling to address
Case: “The Prosecutor vs. Benjamin Netanyahu”
Judges are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following: Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide and other international offenses as defined by the Rome Statute. An understanding of jurisdiction and the admissibility of evidence as delineated by the ICC is strongly recommended. For the time being, we strongly advise to not investigate the case itself as to remain impartial during the simulation.
New Panem Council
The New Panem Council was established in the aftermath of the successful rebellion of the 13 Districts against the oppressive regime of Ex-President Snow and the Capitol. This council represents the dawn of a new era for Panem, with its primary mission being the creation of a safer, more egalitarian society where all districts have a voice. The council is composed of representatives from each of the 13 districts, symbolizing unity and the collective effort to rebuild a nation scarred by years of authoritarian rule and systemic inequality.
Topic: “The development of healthcare systems for the vulnerable districts”
Each representative on the New Panem Council will play a vital role in developing healthcare systems for the vulnerable districts, many of which were severely neglected under the Capitol’s rule. These districts require urgent attention to establish accessible and equitable healthcare, addressing immediate issues like malnutrition, lack of clean water, and inadequate medical facilities. The council must collaborate to ensure fair distribution of resources, train medical personnel, and create sustainable healthcare solutions. This effort is crucial to correcting past inequalities and fulfilling the promise of a safer, more just Panem. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the committee's context, we strongly recommend watching The Hunger Games film series or reading the original books.
ONU Mujeres
ONU Mujeres es la entidad de las Naciones Unidas dedicada a la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres, establecida en 2010. Su misión es apoyar a los Estados miembros en la creación de políticas, normas y programas que promuevan los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo. También trabaja para eliminar la violencia de género, garantizar la participación equitativa de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones y promover su acceso a la educación y oportunidades económicas. A través de iniciativas globales, ONU Mujeres busca cerrar la brecha de género y construir sociedades más justas e inclusivas.
Tópico: “Promoción de un ambiente laboral seguro para las Mujeres periodistas, protegiendo el derecho a la libertad de opinión y expresión en público”
La promoción de un entorno laboral seguro para las mujeres periodistas es fundamental para garantizar el pleno ejercicio de su derecho a la libertad de opinión y expresión. Estas profesionales enfrentan un sin fin de riesgos, específicamente como acoso, violencia de género y amenazas, tanto en el ámbito físico como en el digital, lo que puede limitar su capacidad para ejercer su labor de manera libre y efectiva. La protección de las mujeres en el periodismo requiere la implementación de políticas de seguridad y protocolos adecuados, así como mecanismos legales para enfrentar y prevenir agresiones. Asimismo, es crucial fomentar la sensibilización y formación en torno a la igualdad de género y los derechos humanos en el ámbito mediático. Asegurar que las mujeres periodistas puedan desempeñar su trabajo sin temor fortalece la diversidad de opiniones y contribuye a la calidad de las sociedades democráticas.
Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) es la autoridad directiva y coordinadora en asuntos de salud internacional dentro del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Su misión principal es dirigir y coordinar la acción internacional para mejorar la salud global, prevenir enfermedades, y proporcionar la asistencia técnica necesaria a los países para enfrentar desafíos sanitarios emergentes.
Tema: “Respuesta Global Coordinada para la Evaluación y Control de la Viruela del Mono: Previniendo la Próxima Gran Pandemia.”
La viruela del mono, también conocida como viruela símica, es una enfermedad viral rara pero potencialmente grave, que se ha expandido fuera de su área endémica en África Central y Occidental hacia otras partes del mundo. En los últimos años, ha captado la atención global debido a un incremento significativo en el número de casos reportados en diferentes países, lo que ha generado una preocupación seria en el ámbito de la salud pública internacional. A diferencia de otras enfermedades virales, la viruela del mono no tiene una cura específica y su control depende de la implementación de medidas preventivas eficaces. El brote reciente plantea varios desafíos: la necesidad de un diagnóstico rápido, el manejo adecuado de los pacientes infectados, la contención de la propagación del virus, y la protección de las poblaciones vulnerables.
Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN)
La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) es el máximo tribunal constitucional de México, encargada de interpretar la Constitución y garantizar su cumplimiento. Fundada en 1825, la SCJN tiene la autoridad de revisar casos de gran relevancia nacional, incluidas violaciones a los derechos humanos, conflictos entre poderes y controversias constitucionales.
Tema: “La matanza de Tlatelolco”
Para la simulación, se recomienda a los jueces familiarizarse con los siguientes temas: derechos humanos en México, la responsabilidad del Estado en casos de represión, y el uso de la fuerza por parte de las autoridades. Asimismo, es fundamental comprender los principios de la SCJN en torno a la constitucionalidad y la protección de los derechos fundamentales. Se sugiere, además, un estudio del contexto histórico en la época de la Guerra Sucia en México. Sin embargo, por el momento se aconseja no investigar los procedimientos legales históricos para mantener la imparcialidad durante la simulación.
Tokyo Trials
The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (Tokyo Trials), also known as the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, was established in 1946 to prosecute the Japanese military and political leaders that were accused of committing war crimes during World War II. It was a temporary tribunal located in Tokyo, Japan that operated under the authority of the Allied powers. Its main purpose was to address what happened in the Pacific Theatre during WWII. The Tokyo Trials specifically focused on investigating top Japanese officials for alleged crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The case will be given during the simulation
For the simulation, judges are highly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following: Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and other offenses prosecuted under the IMTFE Charter. An understanding of jurisdiction and the admissibility of evidence as delineated by the Tribunal is strongly recommended, however, for the time being, we strongly advise not investigating the case itself to maintain impartiality during the simulation. For a deep understanding of the case, we recommend studying World War II specifically in the Pacific Theatre, including Japan’s general involvement in the war, its imperial expansion in Asia and major battles.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global authority on environmental issues, established in 1972 to promote sustainable development and advocate for the protection of the environment. It coordinates international efforts to address challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution through scientific research, policy development, and capacity building.
Topic: "Examining the Impacts of Oceanic Plastic Pollution on Human Society and Our Future"
Oceanic plastic pollution has severe impacts on marine life, as millions of tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year, leading to the ingestion and entanglement of marine species, which disrupts ecosystems and threatens biodiversity. This pollution also poses significant risks to human health, as microplastics find their way into the food chain through seafood consumption, potentially causing long-term health issues. While coastal communities and industries like tourism and fishing suffer from the degradation of marine environments and the cost of cleaning up plastic waste. Addressing this issue requires coordinated global efforts to reduce plastic use, improve waste management, and restore marine ecosystems.
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system established in 2006, responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe as well as addressing situations of human rights violations and making recommendations on them. This council has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. In addition to its focus on specific violations, the council has the ability to discuss a wide range of human rights issues, including topics such as freedom of expression, the rights of marginalized groups, and the impact of armed conflict on human rights.
Topic: “Recognizing the hidden human rights violation of Guantanamo Bay prisoners in Cuba to protect their human dignity and create effective justice mechanisms”
The Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba was created by the U.S. government in 2002 as a military detention center meant to hold and interrogate individuals captured during the "War on Terror" that followed the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. However, this detention facility has been accused of being a place of massive human rights abuse, such as indefinite detention without trial, lack of judicial proceedings, and torture or inhumane treatment during interrogation. Critics would further argue that Guantanamo Bay is not only meant for detaining alleged terrorists but also for evading regular legal protection, making it a "legal black hole" where any right of the detainees may be denied. This situation has drawn significant international condemnation and accusations of human rights abuses.
United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six main organs of the United Nations, primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security. UNSC is the one in charge to establish peacekeeping operations, impose international sanctions, and authorize military action to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Topic: "The influence of paramilitary groups on the political stability of Libya"
Since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, paramilitary groups have played a crucial and destabilizing role in Libya's politics. These groups, with differing goals and loyalties, have fought for dominance, territory, resources, and political power, worsening the country's wars and political discord. They often engage in criminal activities like human trafficking, smuggling, and extortion, all while operating with impunity due to the lack of a strong national army. Their presence has made it difficult to establish stable government structures or hold elections, with some Libyans even supporting them for providing a semblance of security in the absence of a strong state. International efforts to reintegrate militias into a unified national security force, like the 2015 Skhirat Agreement facilitated by the United Nations, have largely failed due to lack of trust among rival factions and competing international involvement. Foreign nations supporting different factions have fueled divisions and prolonged the conflict. The result is an uncertain future for Libya, with paramilitary groups continuing to wield considerable influence over the country's political and security systems.
United States Presidential Cabinet (USPC)
The United States Presidential Cabinet (USPC) is essential in advising the President on matters constituting the proficiency of respective offices under the discretion of each Cabinet member. President Joe Biden's Cabinet comprises Vice President Kamala Harris and heads of the different executive departments who advise him on everything; from matters pertaining to national security and economic interests of the country to social issues that are important to citizens' well-being, including health and urban development. Through collaboration and inclusivity, the Cabinet aspires to formulate policies that tackle complex challenges ranging from economic recovery, social justice, public health, and international relations, making the executive branch of the country with the wills and voices of the American people.
Topic: “War on Drugs: U.S. government role and addressing potential
intervention with Mexico”
The War on Drugs by the U.S. government has been long-standing in its effort against drug trafficking and consumption since the 1970s, and their neighboring country, Mexico, is described as a key transit and source country of illegal drugs that enter the U.S. The two nations have collaborated on various measures since then, including the Mérida Initiative, aimed at combating organized crime, raising law enforcement capacity, and strengthening justice institutions. U.S involvement in the country so far has been limited to providing financial aid, training, equipment and cooperation on security matters to weaken the drug cartels. Still, direct intervention in Mexican matters is highly sensitive and contentious. While the two countries share an interest in reducing the violence associated with narcotics, any perceived military or unilateral intervention by the U.S. could raise concerns about sovereignty and contribute to heightened tensions. Instead, the direction is toward shared undertakings that successfully reach the roots of drug trafficking, such as poverty and corruption, while at the same time respecting the Mexico autonomy and fostering mutual cooperation with the view to face common challenges posed by the drug trade. Members of the Cabinet must address the War on Drugs not only in the country itself, but by its roots in Mexico, while being always cautious of any intervention that can be misinterpreted by the Mexican government.
Yugoslav Trials
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established in 1993 to prosecute individuals accused of committing war crimes during the Yugoslav Wars, which took place in the 1990s following the breakup of Yugoslavia. It was a temporary tribunal located in The Hague, Netherlands, operating under the authority of the United Nations. The ICTY's primary mission was to address war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity committed during the conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia.
The case will be given during the simulation
For the simulation, judges are highly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following: Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide, and other offenses prosecuted under the ICTY Statute. An understanding of jurisdiction and the admissibility of evidence as delineated by the Tribunal is strongly recommended. However, for the time being, we strongly advise not investigating the case itself to maintain impartiality during the simulation. For a deep understanding of the case, we recommend studying the Yugoslav Wars, including the causes of the conflict, key events such as the Siege of Sarajevo and the Srebrenica massacre, and the political dynamics following the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a UN agency established in 1997, focused on addressing global challenges related to drugs, crime, corruption, and terrorism. It works to promote international cooperation, develop policies, and provide technical assistance to combat drug trafficking, organized crime, human trafficking, and terrorism. Through its global programs, UNODC helps member states strengthen their legal frameworks, enhance law enforcement, and promote justice. Additionally, it supports efforts to improve drug prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, with an emphasis on human rights and sustainable development.
Topic: “Addressing the Global Opium Crisis”
The global opium crisis, driven by the widespread cultivation and trafficking of opium poppies in regions like Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Mexico, fuels the production of heroin and other illicit opioids, contributing to instability, violence, and organized crime. It also has severe public health consequences, with millions suffering from opioid addiction and overdose deaths worldwide. Addressing this crisis requires a comprehensive approach involving collaboration between governments and international organizations to reduce opium production, provide alternative livelihoods for farmers, and strengthen law enforcement to combat trafficking. Additionally, public health measures focusing on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation for opioid addiction are critical to alleviating the crisis.